The culinary ramblings of a picky eater.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Stuff even my husband can cook-meal #1

I in no way mean to demean my wonderful husband. He is incredibly thoughtful and does a lot for me, especially right now while I'm battling pregnancy fatigue. The fact that he actually asked if he could help me cook until I start feeling more chipper should prove that.

Having said husband's prowess in the kitchen is developed as it is in most other areas of his life. So to help him out, I bought some "easy" meals that he would have no trouble putting together or heating up. Haha.

The first meal- frozen lasagna. It's easy, it just takes a little while in the oven. Once it's in the oven, however, you can pretty much just set the timer and walk long as you're within hearing distance to hear the beep when the timer goes off. This was a successful meal, because it was hot all the way through, wasn't burnt anywhere, and was satisfyingly filling. Hooray for my hubby! :)

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