The culinary ramblings of a picky eater.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Stuff Even My Husband Can Cook- meal #9

I am very proud of my hubby for putting up with me over the last several weeks. I've basically been a bum who has contributed little to nothing to our household. But he's borne it with as much grace as I suppose one man can, and I am grateful.

This is one more meal made easily by a novice cook. Spread shredded cheese on half a tortilla, fold in half, and broil for a minute or two on each side, and voila! Easy cheesy quesadillas. Served with some sour cream, salsa, quacamole, or any other Hispanic condiment, and you have an even tastier meal. You could also add chicken or beef, as I have done in the past (Chicken and Beef), if you need a little more substance.

This was a great solution to needing an easy meal.

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