The culinary ramblings of a picky eater.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Meal Plan Time!

I am a planner, in pretty much every regard of my life. is no exception. I make a meal plan for every week. Not only does it satisfy my need for order, but it also helps me make a grocery list, which helps me not overspend, not impulse buy, not duplicate buy. It is so anoying when you come home, start putting your groceries away, and realize that you bought ANOTHER bottle of the same salad dressing, or another bottle of worcester sauce, get the idea. So here is this coming week's plan. :)

Sunday: Plantain crusted chicken with Manchego cheese sauce over mashed potatoes, with cilantro grilled veggies.
Monday: Baked Potato Soup with crusty rolls
Tuesday: Chicken Tacos
Wednesday: We have an evening activity, so either leftovers, sandwiches, or food at the event
Thursday: Manicotti
Friday: Frozen Pizza- it's my "break day"
Saturday: Chicken and Fried Rice


  1. Ok, so will you be publishing the recipes and your shopping list :) Love your website Emily...The Walsh's will be trying some of these yummy recipes you already have listed...Thanks for sharing!

  2. I will be posting the recipes...from which a shopping list can be made. ;) This week is a little weird, with the holiday yesterday and some other evening events getting started for us, but I will post anyway! Things just may not go entirely as "planned." Haha.

  3. Awesome :) I hope you know this is a huge help to me...makes me try new tried and true recipes :)

  4. Aww, I'm glad I can help. :) I'm going to post the meal plan each week, and then hopefully post all the recipes as I make them during that week. :)
